Monday, July 6, 2015

Close, but no cigar - from 10/1/2014

All signs were pointing to a Wednesday (today) discharge. This morning, that turned out not to be true as I was kept another day to get my INR (Coumadin level) back into the therapeutic range as it dipped slightly below.  I was given a higher dose today, so hopefully I get back above and can leave tomorrow.  

Then I can begin my two weeks in Cleveland and hopefully will continue to gain strength and lessen pain.  I did a mile on the bike for a second day in a row. I also increased the number of steps I can do. We will see how I do going up a series of steps rather than just two at a time.  Truth be known, I wasn't doing well with steps before I had the surgery.

Amy and I took advantage of an overcast day to go to the rooftop pavilion today. It was sort of eerie looking at downtown which was covered in a gloomy haze.

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